Fish Florida Specialty License Plate
These are official legal state manufactured license plates
The mission of the Foundation shall be to promote public awareness of and encourage the protection of marine fisheries and coastal habitats. This will be accomplished through displays, classes, seminars, presentations, clinics and other means designed to teach and promote responsible angling, particularly to Florida’s youth. Recreational fisheries are an integral component of our national heritage and continue to play an important role in the social, cultural, and economic well-being of our Nation. We must strengthen our efforts in order to conserve, restore, and enhance aquatic systems to provide for increased recreational fishing opportunities nationwide.
Statutory Authority: 320.08058
Special Fee: $25.00 annual fee (plus registration fees)
Attention: When uploading your Drivers License please make sure the picture looks like the sample below. Unclear or incomplete pictures will be rejected and you will have to resubmit a picture.