Choose Life Florida Specialty License Plate
These are official legal state manufactured license plates
Revenue generated from sales of the Choose Life specialty plate goes to counseling and meeting the physical needs of pregnant women who are committed to placing their children for adoption. Revenue is distributed annually to Choose Life, Inc., along with a report that specifies the ratio that the annual use fees collected by each county bear to the total fees collected for the plates within the state. Choose Life, Inc. distributes each county’s share of the funds to nongovernmental, not-for-profit agencies within each Florida county which assist pregnant women who are making an adoption plan for their children. Funds may not be distributed to any agency that is involved or associated with abortion activities, including counseling for or referrals to abortion clinics, providing medical abortion-related procedures, or pro-abortion advertising, and funds may not be distributed to any agency that charges women for services received.
Statutory Authorization: 320.08058 (29).
Enacted: 01/01/1989, amended 7/1/2010.
Annual Use Fee: $20.00.
Attention: When uploading your Drivers License please make sure the picture looks like the sample below. Unclear or incomplete pictures will be rejected and you will have to resubmit a picture.