Invest In Children Florida Specialty License Plate
These are official legal state manufactured license plates
Funds from the purchase of this specialty license plate go to the Juvenile Crime Prevention and Early Intervention Trust Fund within the Department of Juvenile Justice. Based on the recommendations of the juvenile justice councils, the department shall use the proceeds of the fee to fund programs and services that are designed to prevent juvenile delinquency. The department shall allocate moneys for programs and services within each county based on that county’s proportionate share of the license plate annual use fee collected by the county.
Statutory authorization: 320.08058 (11). Enacted: 07/01/1995.
Annual Use Fee: $20.00.
Organization website:
Attention: When uploading your Drivers License please make sure the picture looks like the sample below. Unclear or incomplete pictures will be rejected and you will have to resubmit a picture.