Specialty License Plates

These are official legal state manufactured license plates

Attention: This plate will replace the current plate on your vehicle. The new plate will come with a replacement registration. This does not automatically renew your registration. When you are selecting your “Current Registration Status” this is for your current registration. When uploading your the picture of the front of your Drivers License please make sure the picture is clear.

Specialty License Plate Gift Certificate

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Specialty License Plate Gift Certificate
Product Details

The gift certificate may be purchased for any of the specialty license plates currently available in Florida. At the time of purchase, a receipt will be provided and a credit will be issued in the name of the gift recipient, which can then be redeemed by the recipient at the time the specialty license plate is purchased. We believe that specialty license plates will make great gifts, and that this new program will provide a great opportunity to promote the many causes and organizations represented by the plates. Please remember that in Florida, most registrations are renewed on the birth date of the registrant, so these gift certificates can also be a great birthday gift.

LEASE VEHICLE NOTICE: All leased vehicles requesting a specialty plate must submit a copy of the valid lease agreement for the vehicle that the specialty license plate is being attached to. To process a specialty plate request for a leased vehicle please make sure to include a complete copy of the lease when entering your specific vehicle information.

Recent Customer Reviews

Steve Cohen
They made it very easy. One and done.Plates came sooner than promised.
Christopher Rucker
Quick shipping, plate looks awesome!
I've ordered 2 plates from them and they made it so easy and fast. Love this site for purchasing new Florida plates.
Gino March
Ordered a new Panthers tag for my wife's car on a Sunday night and it was in my mailbox Thursday morning. Super smooth, convenient, and fast.
Alex Paredes
Great folks to work with. They were very attentive and helpful.
Space Coast Armory
Smooth and straight forward process. Great service!
bunny witt
The plate arrived in a timely manner. I like the dedign and the colors
Very easy process, and fast shipping.
Tom Graz
Excellent service. Timely delivery.
Tom Potts
great time saving service, very helpful

Trusted by over 250k plate holders and counting!

© Copyright - BuyFloridaSpecialtyPlates.com is a County and State Licensed, Bonded Courier Tag Agency providing title and registration services to consumers and businesses, BuyFloridaSpecialtyPlates.com is licensed to provide courier services, where applicable. BuyFloridaSpecialtyPlates.com is not operated by any government agency or the DHSMV.